Criminal Defense Attorney
Whether you are considering getting a divorce, or would like to reverse a court order, our divorce lawyer can help protect your best interests. A law firm focuses on the area of family law. If you are unsure of whether or not legal representation may benefit you, we invite you to call a divorce lawyer. Because a divorce may have long lasting effects, it’s important that your long term as well as short term needs are considered, and a knowledgeable divorce lawyer has the necessary skills to help ensure a positive resolution.
The Final Divorce Decree
The divorce court phase of the divorce process is the final aspect, and one in which the judge rules on the division of property, child custody and support payments, spousal maintenance, and other issues related to the termination of the marriage. Before you sign the final decree, it’s important that your divorce lawyer has ample opportunity to review it and make sure you are clear on the terms of the agreement and that your and your children’s best interests are considered.
Common Reasons for Appealing a Divorce Court’s Orders
There are a few common reasons for why you may wish to appeal the divorce court’s orders.
1. You believe that one or more of the court’s orders are unfair to you and/or your children. As a result, you wish to have your divorce lawyer file an appeal and request a new hearing with the divorce court. (You will most likely get the same judge so the likelihood of them changing their orders is slim. However, your divorce lawyer can provide more specific guidance based on the circumstances of your situation.)
2. Your or your spouse’s circumstances have measurably changed since the original divorce agreement was created, and you would like those changes taken into consideration. For instance, perhaps your spouse just earned a promotion and will be earning substantially more income than up until now. Or, maybe you just discovered you’re pregnant and you need the child support payment amounts increased as a result.
The Process of Appealing a Divorce Court’s Orders
If you do not already have a divorce lawyer, though it’s not required by law to have one, it’s important. In fact, even divorce lawyers will hire legal representation when terminating their marriage. A divorce lawyer can offer non-emotional, knowledgeable guidance during an especially difficult time. In addition, a divorce court judge is more likely to take you seriously if you have a divorce lawyer representing you.
If you have reason to believe that the divorce court made an unfair ruling, your divorce lawyer can file a motion to appeal one or more of the Court’s orders. Your lawyer will also request a new hearing to evaluate the reasons for your dissatisfaction. As mentioned, you will likely get the same judge but your divorce lawyer may be able to provide compelling reasons for why the Court should reverse their original order(s).
If the Court refuses to reverse or change their previous ruling, a divorce lawyer can file an appeal with the appellate court.
To find out more about how a law firm can help you through the process of terminating your marriage, contact a divorce law firm.