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Legal Support For Victims Of Impaired Driving Accidents

DWI car accident victim lawyer

In the wake of an accident caused by impaired driving, victims often find themselves grappling with more than just the immediate physical injuries. The emotional, financial, and legal ramifications can be overwhelming, making it essential to seek the support of a skilled DWI car accident victim lawyer  who specializes in representing those harmed under these circumstances. Our friends at Yearin Law Office detail some of the injuries that can occur from these accidents below. Do not hesitate to reach out to a lawyer to assist with your case. 

Understanding The Spectrum Of Injuries

Accidents involving drivers under the influence of alcohol or drugs frequently result in a range of injuries, from minor to life-altering. Some of the most common include:

– Whiplash and Soft Tissue Injuries: These are among the most frequent outcomes of vehicle collisions. Although they may seem minor at first, they can lead to long-term discomfort and mobility issues.

– Broken Bones: The force of a collision can easily break or fracture bones. Recovery can be a lengthy process, often requiring surgery and physical therapy.

– Head and Brain Injuries: Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) can have devastating consequences on a person’s life, affecting everything from cognitive functions to emotional regulation. Even mild TBIs can result in significant long-term health issues.

– Spinal Cord Injuries and Paralysis: Injuries to the spinal cord can lead to partial or complete paralysis, dramatically altering a victim’s life and necessitating comprehensive medical care.

– Internal Injuries: Damage to internal organs can be life-threatening and may not be immediately apparent, highlighting the importance of medical evaluation after any accident.

– Emotional and Psychological Trauma: Beyond the physical injuries, the psychological impact of being involved in such an accident can be profound. Anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are common among accident survivors.

Always speak with a DWI car accident victim lawyer to determine what kind of compensation you may want to seek after being in an accident like this. You should not have to pay for treatment for injuries sustained due to the carelessness of someone else. 

The Role Of Legal Advocacy

In the aftermath of an accident caused by an impaired driver, navigating the legal landscape can be daunting. A dedicated DWI car accident victim lawyer plays a crucial role in advocating for the victim’s rights, ensuring they receive the compensation necessary to cover medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering. Legal support is instrumental in holding the responsible party accountable, providing a semblance of justice to those affected.

Why Legal Experience Matters

The complexity of cases involving impaired driving necessitates a nuanced understanding of both state and federal laws. An experienced DWI car accident victim lawyer can effectively navigate these intricacies, leveraging their knowledge to build a strong case. From gathering evidence and negotiating with insurance companies to representing clients in court, a legal professional ensures that victims’ voices are heard and their needs are met.

Taking The Next Step

If you or a loved one has been the victim of an accident involving an impaired driver, it’s crucial to act swiftly to protect your rights and secure the compensation you deserve. Seeking the guidance of a lawyer with expertise in this area can make a significant difference in the outcome of your case. They can provide the compassionate support and robust advocacy needed during this challenging time.

Remember, you are not alone. Legal professionals are there to help navigate the complexities of your case, offering the support and guidance necessary to achieve the best possible outcome. Reach out to a DWI car accident victim lawyer  today to take the first step towards recovery and justice.

Silence Cannot Be a Crime

criminal defense attorney

Examining the Constitutional Conundrum of Enhanced Sentences for Pre-Arrest Silence

The American criminal justice system operates on a fundamental principle: innocent until proven guilty. Embedded within this core tenet lies the right against self-incrimination, enshrined in the Fifth Amendment’s declaration: “No person… shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself.” However, a growing practice in some jurisdictions threatens this cornerstone – the enhancement of sentences for defendants who exercised their right to remain silent before arrest. Our friends at Appeal Pro present that, for reasons given below, such practices directly violate the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments, chilling the right to silence and raising critical questions about due process and fairness.

Unraveling the Fifth Amendment’s Shield:

The Fifth Amendment’s privilege against self-incrimination safeguards individuals from the inherent pressures of facing criminal charges. This right recognizes the inherent coercion inherent in the investigative process, where innocent individuals might incriminate themselves due to fear, confusion, or manipulation. By remaining silent, individuals exercise their own agency and protect themselves from unwittingly contributing to their own prosecution.

The Chilling Effect: From Shield to Shackle:

Increasing sentences for pre-arrest silence effectively transforms the shield of the Fifth Amendment into a shackle. It penalizes the very act of exercising a constitutional right, creating a chilling effect on its use. Individuals, unsure of the legal ramifications of their silence, might be pressured to speak, potentially compromising their defense and contributing to inaccurate confessions. This incentivizes a race to confess, prioritizing expediency over truth-finding and undermining the integrity of the justice system.

The Due Process Dilemma: From Fair Trial to Unfair Punishment:

The Fourteenth Amendment’s Due Process Clause guarantees basic protections against arbitrary and unfair state action. Enhanced sentencing for pre-arrest silence raises due process concerns. Firstly, it lacks a legitimate governmental interest. Punishing silence serves no clear purpose beyond discouraging its exercise, undermining the right itself. Secondly, it creates an incentive for coerced confessions, jeopardizing the reliability of evidence and potentially leading to wrongful convictions.

Arguments in Defense: Balancing Rights and Responsibilities:

Proponents of enhanced sentencing argue that silence hinders investigations and frustrates the pursuit of justice. They also suggest that offering leniency in exchange for cooperation creates a fair bargaining system. However, these arguments fail to recognize the inherent dangers of incentivizing speech. Cooperation should be voluntary, not coerced through the threat of harsher punishment.

Beyond Silence: Implications for the Justice System:

The practice of penalizing pre-arrest silence has far-reaching consequences beyond individual cases. It erodes public trust in the criminal justice system, creating a perception that exercising constitutional rights carries negative consequences. It undermines the adversarial nature of the legal system, prioritizing confessions over fair investigation and thorough examination of evidence. Ultimately, it creates a system where silence breeds suspicion and truth-finding suffers.

While the Supreme Court has not directly addressed the question of enhanced sentencing for pre-arrest silence, a federal criminal appeal attorney would take the position that penalizing defendants for exercising their right to remain silent before arrest directly violates the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments. It chills the right to silence, raises due process concerns, and undermines the integrity of the justice system. By upholding the right to remain silent, we safeguard the foundations of a fair and just system, where truth-finding thrives and individual rights are protected

Navigating DUI Charges With Knowledge And Confidence

DUI Accident Lawyer

Facing DUI charges can be a daunting experience, full of uncertainties and legal complexities. It’s essential to understand your rights and the legal process involved, ensuring you’re well-equipped to navigate this challenging situation. Attorneys like those at the Law Offices of Edward Y. Lee can attest to the importance of being informed and prepared when dealing with such serious allegations.

Understanding Your Rights

The moment you’re charged with a DUI, certain rights are immediately in play. The most critical of these is your right to remain silent. Anything you say can be used against you in court, so it’s often best to speak as little as possible until you have legal representation. Additionally, you have the right to refuse field sobriety tests and portable breathalyzer tests, though this can have its own set of consequences.

Another fundamental right is the right to an attorney. Whether you choose a public defender or a private DUI accident lawyer, it’s crucial to have legal guidance.Managing the legal aspects of a DUI charge can be complex and overwhelming for someone without experience, which is why is may be necessary to speak with a legal professional who can help to protect your rights throughout the process.

The DUI Legal Process Explained

The legal process for a DUI case typically begins with the arrest and booking. Following this, you’ll likely face a series of legal proceedings, starting with an arraignment where charges are formally presented. This is where you’ll enter a plea. The process may then move to pre-trial motions, negotiations for plea bargains, and potentially a trial.

The legal process can vary based on the specifics of a person’s case and, because of that, it can be challenging to foresee the outcome, especially without an experienced legal professional. Factors such as the severity of the offense, prior DUIs, and the specific laws of your state will all play a role in how your case unfolds.

Building A Strong Defense

A key part of facing DUI charges is building a strong defense. This typically involves gathering evidence, which might include police reports, breathalyzer test results, and witness statements. Your attorney will scrutinize this evidence, looking for any procedural errors or inconsistencies that could be used in your defense.

Another aspect of your defense might involve challenging the legality of the traffic stop or the accuracy of the breathalyzer test. Experienced lawyers understand the technicalities of these tests and can often identify flaws or errors in how they were administered.

Importance Of Legal Experience

It’s imperative to have an experienced lawyer represent you because of the complexities that surround DUI law. A DUI lawyer can offer invaluable insights into the legal system and provide guidance tailored to your specific situation. They can help you understand the potential penalties, which may include fines, license suspension, and even jail time, and work to minimize these consequences.

Moving Forward Responsibly

Regardless of the outcome of your case, facing DUI charges is often a wake-up call. It’s an opportunity to reassess your choices and consider the implications of your actions. Moving forward responsibly, whether that means seeking help for substance issues or making a commitment to never drink and drive again, is an essential part of the journey.

Empowering Your Journey Forward

Dealing with DUI charges is a complex and stressful process, but understanding your rights and the legal procedures can make a significant difference. With the support of knowledgeable legal professionals, you can navigate this challenging time with greater confidence and clarity. Remember, a DUI charge is a serious matter, but with the right approach and legal support, you can work towards a resolution that minimizes its impact on your life.

The Impact of Distracted Driving: A Legal Perspective by a Car Accident Attorney

The Impact of Distracted Driving A Legal Perspective by a Car Accident Attorney

Car Accident Lawyer

Distracted driving is a serious issue that leads to countless accidents every year. It involves any activity that diverts attention from driving, including talking or texting on your phone, eating, drinking, talking to people in your vehicle, or fiddling with the stereo or navigation system. A shocking statistic from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reveals that in the U.S alone, approximately 9% of all fatal crashes in recent years were reported as distraction-related.

Understanding Distracted Driving

There are three main types of distractions: Visual, Manual, and Cognitive.

  • Visual distractions cause you to take your eyes off the road.

  • Manual distractions make you take your hands off the wheel.

  • Cognitive distractions take your mind off what you’re doing.

Examples could include a text message causing visual and manual distraction, adjusting the radio causing manual distraction, or simply being lost in thought, causing cognitive distraction.

Distracted Driving and the Law

Distracted driving is defined by law as any non-driving activity a person engages in while operating a motor vehicle. Such activities have the potential to distract the person from the primary task of driving and increase the risk of an accident. These laws vary by state, with some having complete bans on handheld devices while driving, and others having specific restrictions for novice drivers or school zones. The penalties for violating these laws also vary, with consequences ranging from fines to license suspensions.

The Effect of Distracted Driving on Car Accident Claims

Distracted driving plays a significant role in the determination of fault in an accident. If it can be proven that a driver was distracted at the time of the accident, they can be held liable for any damage or injury that occurred. This can also significantly impact the compensation claim, with the victim potentially receiving higher compensation due to the negligent behavior of the distracted driver.

Proving Distracted Driving in a Car Accident Claim

Proving distracted driving can involve the collection of various pieces of evidence, from cell phone records to CCTV footage. Eyewitnesses also play a vital role in confirming whether a driver was distracted. More recently, technology has become an instrumental tool in these cases, with the use of devices that can detect recent phone activity or even in-vehicle data recorders.

The Role of a Car Accident Attorney in Distracted Driving Cases

The best car accident attorneys can be invaluable in helping victims navigate the complex legal landscape following a distracted driving accident. They can assist in collecting evidence, interpreting the law, negotiating with insurance companies, and representing victims in court. The process typically begins with a consultation, followed by an investigation into the accident, and then the filing of a claim or lawsuit if necessary.

Ways to Prevent Distracted Driving

As drivers, it’s essential to prioritize focus on the road. Suggestions include:

  • Setting your navigation and playlist before you start driving

  • Keeping your phone out of reach

  • Not eating or drinking while driving

Technological advancements also offer potential solutions, with many new vehicles including features designed to minimize distraction, like hands-free phone connectivity and advanced driver assistance systems.

The dangers of distracted driving extend far beyond the potential for an accident. The legal implications can be severe and long-lasting. It’s vital for all drivers to understand these risks and make a conscious effort to avoid distractions. If you or a loved one is a victim of a distracted driving accident, seeking the help of a car accident attorney can be the first step towards ensuring your rights are protected.

5 Essential Factors to Keep in Mind When Hiring a Sexual Assault Lawyer


Sexual Assault Lawyer

Sexual assault is a deeply traumatic experience that can have long-lasting physical, emotional, and psychological effects on survivors. If you or someone you know has been a victim of sexual assault, it’s crucial to seek justice and support by hiring a qualified sexual assault lawyer. However, not all lawyers are created equal, and finding the right one for your case requires careful consideration. This blog will explore five essential factors to have when hiring a sexual assault lawyer.

Experience and Expertise

Sexual assault cases are traumatic, and trying to navigate the complex legal system can add more stress. When hiring a sexual assault lawyer, it’s crucial to consider their experience and expertise in handling such cases. Look for a lawyer who has a proven track record of successfully representing sexual assault survivors and has in-depth knowledge of the laws and regulations related to sexual assault in your jurisdiction. A lawyer with extensive experience in sexual assault cases will have the skills and knowledge necessary to advocate for your rights and pursue justice on your behalf.

Reputation and Reviews

You should always research the lawyer or their law firm’s reputation. Look for online reviews from previous clients, testimonials, and feedback on reputable review websites or forums. Check if the lawyer has any disciplinary actions or complaints filed against them. A positive reputation and good reviews are indicators of the lawyer’s professionalism, competence, and dedication to their clients. Be cautious of any red flags, such as multiple negative reviews or unethical behavior, as it may impact the quality of their services.

Communication and Empathy

Sexual assault cases are emotionally charged and require open and honest communication between the survivor and their lawyer. When hiring a sexual assault lawyer, consider their communication style and ability to empathize with your situation. A compassionate and responsive lawyer who listens to your concerns, answers your questions, and keeps you updated on your case’s progress is crucial for building trust and maintaining a strong attorney-client relationship. You should choose an attorney with whom you can feel comfortable with.

Resources and Support

Sexual assault cases can involve complex investigations, expert witnesses, and extensive legal proceedings. It’s essential to consider the resources and support that a lawyer or law firm can provide. Ask about their team’s size, expertise, and availability to handle your case effectively. Inquire about their connections with other professionals, such as counselors or victim advocates, who can provide additional support to you as a survivor. A lawyer with robust resources and support can help you get the justice and help you need.

Fee Structure and Transparency

You and your lawyer should always be on the same page when it comes to fees. Ask any potential attorney about their fees, including hourly rates, retainer fees, and any additional costs associated with your case. A reputable sexual assault lawyer should provide you with a clear and transparent breakdown of their fees and expenses and be willing to discuss payment options or provide a written agreement before proceeding with your case. Be wary of any lawyer who promises specific outcomes or guarantees results, as no lawyer can predict the outcome of a case with certainty.

Hiring a sexual assault lawyer is a critical decision that requires careful consideration of various factors. Consider the lawyer’s experience, reputation, communication style, resources, and fee structure to ensure you hire a qualified and compassionate advocate who will fight for your rights and pursue justice on your behalf. Remember to trust your instincts and choose a sexual assault lawyer who makes you feel comfortable, respected, and supported throughout the legal process, something our friends at Olivero Law, P.A. agree with.

Differences Between State Vs Federal Court

Differences Between State And Federal Court

Federal Criminal Defense Lawyer

While there are some similarities between what occurs in federal and state criminal courts, there are a vast amount of differences.  The Federal Court has its own rules and procedures, and some are quite different from the states. 

Federal criminal cases are handled in federal district courts that are situated within a particular state.  State criminal courts are situated within each state.  As our friends from the leading criminal defense can explain, sometimes state and federal crimes seem almost identical, in fact, sometimes the case can be charged by either or both.  Yes, that is right. You can be charged by both the federal government and a state for the same crimes, and there is no double jeopardy argument, although this happens infrequently.  This is because both the state and the federal government have an interest in preventing certain crimes from occurring within their jurisdiction.  While the federal government has jurisdiction over crimes that are committed within the United States, the state only has jurisdiction over crimes committed within its borders.

Federal courts are staffed by judges who are selected by the President of the United States. These are the District Court Judges.  Federal courts also have magistrate judges who are not Article III judges and are not selected by the President.  State courts also have judges that are typically appointed by the Governor of each state.  There are many similar crimes that are frequently brought in both federal and state courts.  These include drug and firearm offenses and many fraud offenses as well as RICO offenses and money laundering.  

The important thing to remember if you are charged with a federal crime, is that you want a lawyer who has experience in federal courts.  Some criminal lawyers limit their practices to the state, and some attorneys do little federal criminal defense.

If you or a loved one are charged with a federal crime, you need a federal criminal defense lawyer residents recommend to represent you.  Try to find one that has a vast amount of experience in federal court.  

A Look Into The Probate Process


Probate is a legal procedure that your estate goes through once you pass away. During this process, the court will begin overseeing the distribution of your assets to rightful heirs. Probate is a smoother proceeding when there is a valid will or living trust with clear instructions about your wishes. Such documents help by naming an executor, who will manage the estate and follow your instructions, and beneficiaries, who will receive a portion of your assets. 


It is important to know that your will may still have to undergo probate, but it’s a simplified process if you have planned ahead of time. During probate, the court will make sure the will is authentic, and then approve the executor to pay taxes and debts, then distribute any remaining property based on directions in the estate plan. Your assets must be located and valued, and once that is done, debts and taxes are paid, then beneficiaries receive what is left over. 


In situations where there is not a valid will, otherwise called intestate, this can make matters more complicated. Due to there not being any paperwork reflecting your wishes, the court may make decisions about your estate and how assets are distributed for you instead. Unless you plan properly, as a probate lawyer Knoxville, TN families trust from Carpenter & Lewis PLLC can attest, an estate may get caught up in probate. But the more planning you do now, the better it will be for those who love you after you have passed away. 


It may be easiest to view probate as a supervised court process that sees to it rightful beneficiaries get appropriate assets and titles from the estate. In circumstances where there is no trust or will, it will be the job of the court to appoint a person to represent your estate. This person becomes a personal representative, and has the duty to handle the same tasks that an executor would if a will was present and you appointed someone for this role. Certain property and assets in an estate will have to go through probate, but others will not. This is something your lawyer, like a team member from Carpenter & Lewis PLLC, can discuss with you on an individual basis during an appointment. 


If a named beneficiary passed away prior to you and you did not update your will, this part of the estate will be decided by the court. Household items such as furniture, appliances, clothing, and other items may fall into this category. If your will has these items and clearly states what your wishes are for them, they can avoid probate. Property that has a title solely in your name may undergo probate to decide ownership. Depending on the state you reside, you can avoid this by including a transfer on death or payable on death to a title or deed. 


There are many nuances to consider when it comes to probate, and many people try to avoid it at all costs. While it can be beneficial in some cases, most people prefer the court to not have a hand in how their lifelong legacy and assets will be distributed. By understanding what probate is and taking steps now, a person can feel rest assured that their estate will be taken care of how they wish in the future.

What To Do In The Moment Of An Auto Collision

What To Do In The Moment Of An Auto Collision

Auto Accident Lawyer

If you have recently been in an auto collision, you may be wondering what you should do next. Despite being told during our driver’s education classes how to respond in the aftermath of a car wreck, with the chaos of everything going on around us, it can be really easy to forget if we are in the thick of it. As an auto accident lawyer victims trust from Barry P. Goldberg has explained to clients, it’s important to know what to do in the event of a car accident so that you can make decisions and take steps that are going to be in the best interests of their health and recovery.

The first thing you must do is observe yourself for serious injury. You may have immediate symptoms, depending on how serious the injury is, or you may not feel the effects of the accident until hours or days later. In fact, for many people, they start to feel the side effects of what happened the morning after a car accident. For others, they may have been ushered to the emergency room, been hospitalized, or underwent emergency surgery because their injuries were so severe. 

Victims of car accidents may not realize that they are entitled to monetary restitution for what they have been through. By knowing what to do if a car accident happens, you are better apt to do things that are going to be beneficial for your side. After notifying your insurance company about the accident, you will be reached out to you by an insurance adjuster, who is someone that wants to obtain a statement from you about the accident. But keep in mind that this person, no matter how friendly they seem, is only acting in the best interest of the insurance company, and not your finances or recovery. 

Sadly, many victims realize after the fact that they had said something to an insurance adjuster that was then misconstrued in a way to reduce or deny their claim. For this reason, your lawyer may suggest handling the conversation with an adjuster for you. Do not provide a verbal statement over the phone or close your claim, no matter how much you may be pressured to by the insurance adjuster to do so.

Before leaving the scene of an accident, you will need to get the other driver’s information. You will need to write down their first and last name, form of contact, vehicle description, insurance carrier name, policy number, and any other details that seem appropriate for the accident. If there is more than just one driver involved, then you will need to get the same information from all parties present. It will be imperative to have plenty of evidence related to the car accident, including gathering pictures and video footage of the scene. Your lawyer, like a team member from  Barry P. Goldberg, can use evidence to build your case and ensure that you get the most compensation possible for what you have endured. 

Showing Responsibility In Child Custody Case


Showing Responsibility In Child Custody CaseBeing a part of your child’s life is something you cannot replace, which is why many parents fight for custody so that they can be as big a part of their lives as possible, despite parting ways from the other parent. There are things that you can do prior to and during the child custody court hearing to raise the chances of getting the verdict you are hoping for. You must remember that the judge will be focused on what is in the best interest of the child, so even if you have not been perfect in the past, you can still show responsibility and step up for your child now. 

You may understandably be going through many emotions as your child custody case plays out. This is only normal, as it can be painful to be away from your child, and you may worry about how much time you will be granted with them. Ideally, you’ll have shown long before this custody case that you are a responsible parent. But if you are struggling emotionally with anger and betrayal, as a lawyer at the Law Office of Daniel E. Stuart, P.A would suggest, you cannot let it interfere with your behavior. This is likely to only make matters worse, and it can cause unneeded pain to your child who is probably already experiencing difficult emotions of their own. 

Use as much of the custodial time as you are allowed, to show that you wish to spend quality time with your children. If you miss scheduled times, then it can come off as your child is not your priority. Avoid leaving children with daycare or family unless you absolutely have to, such as for work. Pick your child up on time for your hang out sessions, their sports games, medical appointments, and custody hearings, and rearrange your schedule to meet their needs as best you can. As a child custody lawyer parents trust from the Law Office of Daniel E. Stuart, P.A. would agree with, this will show you are willing to prioritize them and be flexible so that they can thrive. 

Do not let anyone around your children who seem dangerous or have shown to be a conflict among your family. It may not be the best idea to have a new partner move in with you or stay overnight shortly after separation. Of course, this is a personal choice, but it can upset your children and the judge may feel it is not in their best interest to have this added stress. If you have been separated for quite some time, it is reasonable to introduce your child to a partner that you plan to have as a long-term person in their life too. 

Remember, an old family dynamic is changing into a new one, and it’s going to be difficult even under the most amicable situations. But if you focus on what is best for your child, then that will show you are a responsible parent in court.


Here are 4 Breaches of Contract  You Need to Know


Here are 4 Breaches of Contract  You Need to KnowIf you’re running a business, you know that you have about a million things on your plate every day. You have to dedicate yourself to making sure your company runs smoothly, and you have to dedicate yourself to making sure your company grows. And as a business litigation lawyer like our friends at Eric Siegel Law can explain, you can’t focus on what matters most if you’re tied up with contract disputes and legal red tape.

It’s not being pessimistic to plan for why you might need a business lawyer. It’s just common sense. Operating a business means making sure you have all the necessary paperwork lined up, and the right lawyer can keep you out of legal trouble while also helping your business grow. Want to become an LLC? What about an S-Corp? A business lawyer can help – and the services that a business lawyer offers go far beyond just the day-to-day.

Contracts are Everywhere

The business world revolves around contracts. They’re important agreements that outline the terms of employment between employers and employees, or the exchange of goods and services between contractors and clients. If you own a business, you’ve dealt with contracts before. And if any of those contracts are ever breached, you’ll need a business litigation lawyer.

  • Material Breach.

A material breach is a severe type of breach of contract. In a material breach, a party fails to perform according to the contract. This can include contractors failing to perform the agreed-upon work, or employers failing to pay the agreed-upon amount to their contracted employees. In a material breach, the contract wasn’t honored at all, and can be grounds for a lawsuit.

  • Fundamental Breach.

In a fundamental breach of contract, one party doesn’t follow through with the underlying basis of their contract. Unlike a material breach of contract, the party didn’t even make an effort to live up to their end of the bargain. For example, a “no-show” contractor is a classic example of a fundamental breach of contract. You hired someone to do a job, and they didn’t even show up on the day you needed them. It might be time for a lawyer.

  • Anticipatory Breach.

If a party is contracted and they declare that they will not perform the duties outlined in the contract they’ve signed, they’re committing an anticipatory breach of contract. This means they won’t be doing the job you expected of them, or won’t provide their end of whatever deal you had made with them, despite their signing of the contract.

  • Minor Breach.

A minor breach of contract is typically fixable. In a minor breach, the contractor completes their tasks as outlined in the contract, but they committed errors on the way. It may take a business litigation lawyer to get them to fix their mistakes, but sometimes the mistakes are minor enough to be easily resolved.


Get in Touch with a Business Lawyer Today

Running a business is hard enough without flaky contractors or clients trying to get out of agreements that you’ve all already signed off on. Get in touch with a business litigation lawyer to ensure you get the closure and compensation you deserve.