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Here are 4 Breaches of Contract  You Need to Know


Here are 4 Breaches of Contract  You Need to KnowIf you’re running a business, you know that you have about a million things on your plate every day. You have to dedicate yourself to making sure your company runs smoothly, and you have to dedicate yourself to making sure your company grows. And as a business litigation lawyer like our friends at Eric Siegel Law can explain, you can’t focus on what matters most if you’re tied up with contract disputes and legal red tape.

It’s not being pessimistic to plan for why you might need a business lawyer. It’s just common sense. Operating a business means making sure you have all the necessary paperwork lined up, and the right lawyer can keep you out of legal trouble while also helping your business grow. Want to become an LLC? What about an S-Corp? A business lawyer can help – and the services that a business lawyer offers go far beyond just the day-to-day.

Contracts are Everywhere

The business world revolves around contracts. They’re important agreements that outline the terms of employment between employers and employees, or the exchange of goods and services between contractors and clients. If you own a business, you’ve dealt with contracts before. And if any of those contracts are ever breached, you’ll need a business litigation lawyer.

  • Material Breach.

A material breach is a severe type of breach of contract. In a material breach, a party fails to perform according to the contract. This can include contractors failing to perform the agreed-upon work, or employers failing to pay the agreed-upon amount to their contracted employees. In a material breach, the contract wasn’t honored at all, and can be grounds for a lawsuit.

  • Fundamental Breach.

In a fundamental breach of contract, one party doesn’t follow through with the underlying basis of their contract. Unlike a material breach of contract, the party didn’t even make an effort to live up to their end of the bargain. For example, a “no-show” contractor is a classic example of a fundamental breach of contract. You hired someone to do a job, and they didn’t even show up on the day you needed them. It might be time for a lawyer.

  • Anticipatory Breach.

If a party is contracted and they declare that they will not perform the duties outlined in the contract they’ve signed, they’re committing an anticipatory breach of contract. This means they won’t be doing the job you expected of them, or won’t provide their end of whatever deal you had made with them, despite their signing of the contract.

  • Minor Breach.

A minor breach of contract is typically fixable. In a minor breach, the contractor completes their tasks as outlined in the contract, but they committed errors on the way. It may take a business litigation lawyer to get them to fix their mistakes, but sometimes the mistakes are minor enough to be easily resolved.


Get in Touch with a Business Lawyer Today

Running a business is hard enough without flaky contractors or clients trying to get out of agreements that you’ve all already signed off on. Get in touch with a business litigation lawyer to ensure you get the closure and compensation you deserve.

Dementia and ADLs: Activities of Daily Living


Home Health Care

If you are currently caregiving for someone with dementia, daily living activities can feel like a point of contention. Regular activities such as grooming, toileting, and dressing are fraught with discord. Caregivers can even find themselves remiss as to how to help their loved one with their ADLs.

Here are a few tips and tricks to help assist in ADLs for those living with dementia. 

Lean into routine.

For those living with degenerative brain disease, routine is everything. A set schedule brings order to the untamed chaos of the day. While the individual may not understand exactly why things are occurring, they intrinsically understand that this activity happens now. 

For example, you can set a grooming schedule that occurs every morning before breakfast. This establishes that grooming is a set component of the day. Even more so, it connects the activity of grooming with the pleasant experience of a morning meal.

Use clear communication.

When requesting something from your loved one, use clear and concise language. Use direct sentences and omit any unnecessary information. Tell them, “I am going to brush your teeth now.” Try not to overcomplicate by saying, “Get ready! We’re going to brush your teeth. I’ll try to be gentle near your gums. I know you had popcorn earlier.”

If your loved one doesn’t understand something, try not to rephrase the statement. Repeat the phrase as you said it the first time, as rephrasing the question can cause confusion. 

Empower them through independence. 

Whenever you have the chance, try to encourage independence. Highlight the processes that they can undergo independently, and encourage them to take part. The goal is to allow them to use the tools that they have. For example, although your loved one may need help getting in and out of the bath, celebrate that they can independently operate the faucet. 

Patience is key.

Encouraging independence often means that things are going to take a little longer than you are used to. This is okay! Just because your loved one is moving at a different pace doesn’t mean they are any different. Be patient, know that things will happen in time. 

Use positive reinforcement.

With all things, a little encouragement goes a long way! Assisting with ADLs is a collaborative effort. Let your loved one know that they did a good job brushing their hair or not spilling their dinner. This creates a positive environment around ADLs and makes the entire process better for you both!

Thanks to our friends for their expertise in elderly assistance services and home health care.

Speeding Tickets and License Suspensions: What You Need to Know

Traffic Violation concept

Getting pulled over by the police can be a nerve-racking experience. No one wants to be given a ticket, but when it happens, how much do you have to worry? As a drunk driving lawyer in New Jersey from a firm like Rispoli & Borneo P.C. can explain, one thing that most drivers worry about is the state of their license. What happens to your license if you were caught speeding?

Can You Lose Your License for Speeding?

The short answer is no. If you are pulled over for speeding, odds are that you won’t lose your license. Most of the time, a speeding conviction results in a fine. The only reason this answer isn’t completely definite is that most states have a points system.

In a points system, each traffic offense is assigned a certain number of points. The worse the offense, the higher the points. Generally, you have a two-to-three-year period where you do not want to get over a certain number of points. After a few years, your points may reset.

If you receive multiple speeding tickets over a short amount of time, you may lose your license. In some states, if you reach a certain number of points, your license will be suspended for about 30 days or six months. Most people who face suspension may have three or four violations on their record.

Can a Judge Order a Suspension?

In some states, the judge can order a suspension. While most judges are not going to order a suspension for a speeding ticket, it is possible. Generally, a judge might decide to order a suspension if the speeding led to an accident or if he or she sees a pattern in your behavior. If you have several violations, the judge is more likely to order a suspension.

Can You Obtain Your License Again?

If your license is suspended, it is usually for a set amount of time. Most people will wait 30 days or six months to have their license reinstated. However, there are times where you may be able to have it reinstated sooner. For instance, if you have to work and there is no other way for you to get to your place of employment, you may be able to obtain a hardship or restricted license. This allows you to drive to and from certain places during your suspension.

When it comes to license suspensions, every state has different rules. Some have more strict point systems. If you recently received a speeding ticket and are worried about your license, you may want to set up an appointment with a traffic ticket lawyer as soon as possible.

Help, I Have Criminal Charges…What Should I Do?


First step, take a deep breath. Fortunately for you, there’s a group of people out there who practice criminal defense and will be able to help you with your criminal charges. Now you need to call a criminal lawyer to discuss your situation so they can create a pathway from where you are to where you want to be.

Misdemeanor Criminal Lawyer

So you have misdemeanor criminal charges. Misdemeanors are unique and often vary by the level of the crime alleged. Typically, misdemeanors have sentences of less than one year if you were to receive any type of active time. A criminal lawyer can advise you on the proper steps to take and will try to protect your record if possible. Misdemeanors can include possession of a small amount of drugs, a larceny or theft crime from a store such as shoplifting, trespassing on someone’s property, or assault charges such as a simple assault or an assault on a female. These types of crimes often face far less severe sentences than one would for say a felony criminal charge.

Felony Criminal Attorney

Felony charges often face far harsher sentences than misdemeanors and are typically heard in a higher level court. Felony criminal attorneys often have a lot of experience in this area and should be able to tell you what they’ve seen with similar factual situations as what you’re dealing with. Felony charges can include possession of a firearm by a convicted felon, any type of shooting, such as assault with a deadly weapon with the intent to kill inflicting serious injury, higher level larceny crimes such as embezzlement or any type of fraud that results in theft. Felony charges also feature higher level drug charges, such as drug trafficking offenses, which is the possession of a certain quantity of drugs and can be charged for possession of kilos of substances such as cocaine or heroin.

Drug Lawyer

If you have criminal charges against you, you need to not panic. You need to contact a criminal lawyer, like our friends at Garrett, Walker, Aycoth & Olson, Attorneys at Law, as soon as possible to help with your case. They can guide you through this process and create a plan to protect you and your rights. Pick up the phone and call a top rated criminal lawyer today to help you with your legal situation, it will put you at ease, and let someone who knows what they’re doing help you.

What Rights Do I Have When Police Are Conducting A Search?


Criminal LawyerThe sight of blue lights behind you can be a nerve-racking situation. In some situations you may very well not be aware of the reason you’ve been pulled over. A criminal defense lawyer, like the ones at Garrett, Walker, Aycoth & Olson, can see this situation on a frequent basis and figures it’s good to discuss your next steps. We’re seeing an increase in stops, that may or very well may not be for valid reasons. The vehicle is pulled for something fairly minor, a window tint violation, speeding, or a tail light being out. This stop instantly turns to a situation where the officer wants to search the vehicle. And this is where we turn to the Fourth Amendment.

The Fourth Amendment is quite possibly the most important amendment to a criminal lawyer because it protects you and me from being the subject of an unlawful search or seizure. So you’ve been pulled over and want to take the right steps, well read on for what we advise.

Don’t Say a Word – Saying Nothing Helps Us Later

The Fourth Amendment allows for a person to remain quiet if they are questioned by the police. Understand, that generally, when the police desire to search you, they aren’t intending to do so because they believe there’s nothing illegal going on. Clearly on their part, they believe you have something of a criminal nature going on, and they want to find out what it is. We see a lot of searches due to the odor of marijuana. Recent laws and articles have provided that the odor of marijuana is not distinguishable from hemp, and in some instances, this could negate the officers probable cause to search the vehicle.

Also, if you’re in custody and not comfortable with the situation, (Who wouldn’t be? ) under the Fifth Amendment, you can ask for a criminal attorney. If they’re attempting to question you, all questioning must cease until you are able to speak with your criminal defense lawyer. It’s important to note, that you can say I think I’d like to speak with an attorney, the request must be direct, “I want to speak to my lawyer.” This will put an end to any further questioning by the police.

Please note, and this is important, if you start talking with the police on your own after you’ve invoked your right to counsel, this may open the door to further questioning, and the scary part is your answers can and will be used against you. It’s important to speak with an experienced criminal lawyer before speaking with the police.

Take a Deep Breath – Do Your Very Best to Remain Calm, Cool and Collected

Our criminal defense lawyers see the suspect behaving nervously, breathing heavily, looking stressed, angry, frustrated and all of the above. The insinuation is that there is something criminal going on and that’s the reason you’re any number of those things. The reality is being stopped by the police can be scary, especially when you don’t know the reason for the stop or their rationale for wanting to search. 

But as you see them approach, take a deep breath. The police need probable cause to search your vehicle or search you and sometimes the only way they can get probable cause is to ask you questions. We have countless clients who have ended up with criminal charges all because they answered questions which gave a police officer probable cause to search. It’s hard as a criminal defense attorney to break the news that if they had just remained quiet, they never would have been able to search. And if they hadn’t searched, they wouldn’t have found what they found, whether it be drugs, a firearm when they’re not supposed to have one, or anything else deemed to be illegal. Remain calm and please do not say anything.

The Hard Part – Comply with Law Enforcement

Understand, first and foremost you’re not typically in a position of power. How many times do you think someone who yelled, “citizen’s arrest” at a law enforcement officer and it ended up stopping the police in their tracks. We wouldn’t need fingers to count those situations because it hasn’t happened. If the police have probable cause, or they have a valid search warrant based on probable cause, then comply with their requests. Obstruction of justice and resisting, delaying and / or obstructing a police officer can be a criminal offense in and of itself. 

Find a Criminal Lawyer as soon as you’re able to

The above is vital to protecting your rights when you’re stopped by the police or their attempting to search you, your car or your house. Reach out to a lawyer to make sure you’re taking the right steps and making the best decision for you when speaking with the police. Criminal charges are nothing to take lightly. Whether it’s a misdemeanor or a felony criminal charge, they can have long-standing ramifications on your future. Please contact a skilled criminal defense lawyer today to help you with your criminal case.

Employment Discrimination Lawyer Washington, D.C.


Discrimination Lawyer

Verbal Sexual Harassment

Not all types of verbal sexual harassment have to specifically be a perpetrator’s request for physical behavior or an obvious whistle or some other type of heckling behavior.  Some types of verbal sexual harassment may actually be considered acceptable by some people, however, under the law, if the behavior makes the intended target uncomfortable and is unwanted, it qualifies as verbal sexual harassment. If you find yourself working in this type of environment and you have made it perfectly clear that you want the behavior to stop, then you may have grounds for a harassment claim.

Verbal harassment can take on a variety of forms. If the perpetrator makes inappropriate innuendoes, jokes, or suggestions, then this can be considered verbal sexual harassment if this type of behavior makes you feel uncomfortable. If a person shares intimate details of their sex life or asks you inappropriate questions, this too may qualify as harassment.

It is also not uncommon for subtle comments of verbal sexual harassment to be targeted against all employees of one gender. But it is important to remember that just because the practice is widespread does not make it okay. The law says you have the right to work in an environment that is free of this type of behavior. The law protects you from being forced to endure these types of incidents.

Other Types of Verbal Harassment

Although sexual verbal harassment appears to be the most obvious type, verbal harassment can also occur if the perpetrator makes derogatory or offensive comments about a person’s religion, political statements, bullying, or calling the victim a derogatory name.

You can report this type of harassment even if it is not being directed at you. Specifically, if the conduct creates an uncomfortable or hostile environment, the harassment can be addressed by any employee even if he or she has not been directly targeted.

Under the law, verbal harassment is gauged depending on how it impacted an alleged victim, not on the intent of the perpetrator.  The law states that even a person who the harassment is not targeted at can be affected and, if so, they also have the right to file formal complaints and lawsuits. This is especially true if the person affected is a member of a federally protected group because of their race, color, religion, gender, age, or whether they have a disability. Consider seeking out a discrimination lawyer such as one from Eric Siegel Law, if you or someone you know are dealing with harassing and discriminatory actions at their workplace.

Criminal Defense Lawyer


What Should You Look For in a Criminal Defense Attorney?

Criminal Defense Lawyer

When you are looking for a criminal defense attorney, you will likely have different standards and expectations than if you were looking for a civil attorney who could help you with family law or estate planning. If someone is accusing you of a criminal act, you want to make sure you are hiring the right attorney and working with someone who can aggressively defend you in a court of law. You want to know that they have been educated on the proper defense tactics and that they will know what to look for to try to get charges reduced or dropped. 

Looking For Someone Local

Why should you look for a local criminal defense attorney? It is true that there may be a good option from a bigger law office; however, hiring locally can give you a huge advantage. When you work with an attorney from a local office, you are getting someone who knows the local court systems. That means they may be familiar with the D.A. from different local courts, the judges, or the prosecutors. They will have a good idea of whether a D.A. may be willing to negotiate before the trial or not. This kind of information is invaluable and could greatly help when you are charged with a crime. 

Look For Someone Who Has Worked With Your Type of Crime

If you were accused of grand theft auto, you want to know that your lawyer has had experience with this particular crime. A lawyer, like a criminal defense lawyer from a law firm like Tuttle Law, P.A. knows that when a lawyer has more experience with a certain type of crime, you will have a better opportunity to put your best foot forward in court. So, even if you have found a criminal defense lawyer, it would be to your advantage to find one who specializes in the type of crime you are being accused of. 

Finding a criminal defense lawyer is not always easy. You may think that simply having an attorney on your side is what you need. However, finding one who knows the area of law your criminal charges are in will help you out immensely. They can guide you through how the court procedures might go, whether negotiating is the right move, and tell you how to plea. If you need the help of a criminal defense lawyer, call your local office today. 

What Is a Restraining Order and Why Do You Need a Lawyer for One?


Restraining orders are not always as easy to get as television makes it seem. There needs to be reasonable cause for a judge to approve one. However, it is incredibly important to hire a lawyer, like a restraining order petition Lawyer in Fairfax, Virginia from May Law, LLP, if you are going to court to have a restraining order filed against you. Even if you are innocent of everything the prosecution is accusing you of, you need to make sure your best interests are protected, and an experienced lawyer will know the laws in Virginia and what the best strategy is to ensure you keep your freedom.

Why Would Someone File a Restraining Order?

Restraining orders are filed if a person feels unsafe and like they are threatened by someone else. This could be due to a previous assault, or because of verbal threats that have been made against a party regarding their safety. Sexual assault and domestic violence are two major reasons people file restraining orders. 

Why Is It Important to Hire a Lawyer?

If you are having a restraining order filed against you, it is crucial to hire a lawyer to represent you in court so that you can protect your own rights and your future. If an order is granted to the person who is filing against you, it will be on your permanent record. This will affect things like future jobs, where you are able to live, and much more. It could be public knowledge and affect your friendships and relationships, and could even affect your social life if this person was in your circle. 

It is crucial to have a lawyer on your side because restraining order petition lawyers know what types of defenses do and do not work in Virginia. He or she will be able to advise you on some of the best practices to use that will be the best chance of having freedom after the trial. You may feel like since you are innocent of any wrongdoing that it is pointless to hire a lawyer to help with your case, but since you are likely not an expert in this field you need someone on your side who knows the laws and rules so that you do not incriminate yourself or lose this case. 

Contact Us Today

If you or someone you care about is currently dealing with having a restraining order filed against them, make sure to contact an experienced restraining order petition lawyer in Virginia from May Law, LLP today. This will help give you a better chance of having a favorable outcome in your case and keeping the freedoms that you are used to. Having a restraining order against you really does strip so many freedoms from your life, and you do not want to be punished for something that you do not deserve to be punished for. Contact a lawyer right away before speaking with any authorities on the matter. He or she will have your best interest at heart and do their best to get the restraining order denied.

Initiate A Request To Modify Child Support Payments


Parents who feel like their child support order is no longer fair, may consider filing for modification. The process of requesting such a change can be so complex, that many parents give up entirely and just accept their current arrangement. But, doing nothing can be a huge mistake, as one parent or the other may eventually find themselves in financial turmoil. If something has changed to where you are unable to make payments, it is worth looking deeper into what your options are for modification. 

A family lawyer can help you decide what is in the best interest of both your child and your finances. We believe that while it is important to support your child, it shouldn’t come at the cost of sacrificing your financial stability. Here are some things to consider before taking action, so you understand what it means to file for child support modification: 

Child Support Isn’t Automatic

While the factors related to child support may have changed, this doesn’t mean that the amounts are automatically adjusted to fit the situation. For example, if your child became of legal age, child support payments may not automatically end on his or her birthday. It is important to be aware of laws for your state and file any necessary paperwork to make changes. The same rules can apply for parents who receive a huge pay decrease or the other partner gets a significant promotion — it can be grounds for modification but adjustments may not be made unless either parent files for an update. 

Create an Organized Financial File

Before filing for modification, you may want to ask an attorney for insight as to what financial documents are most useful in such a negotiation. It is vital that if you do not already have an organized file of your finances, that you make one before investing time and energy into modification. The judge is likely to ask you about what has changed in regards to your finances, and request documentation which reflects these claims. You may only be able to file for child support modification a certain number of times within a designated period, so it is important to be as prepared as possible. 

Modification May Not Be Retroactive

If you were let go from your job or suffered an unexpected medical injury or illness but didn’t request modification until a couple months later, the judge may only consider changing the terms based on the date you filed. Parents who anticipate a job loss or sustaining some other financial hardship, may want to have the modification paperwork already prepared just in case. 

Laws do vary by state and some may permit child support orders to be retroactively altered in situations where the parent paying less child support due to spending more time with the child, ends up being with him or her less than expected. 

If you are getting ready for child support modification, please contact a law office to book your consultation with an attorney.

Do I Need an Attorney to File a Workers’ Compensation Claim?


If you’ve been injured on the job, you may have heard that you can file a workers’ compensation claim by simply filling out some paperwork and confirming some medical information – no muss no fuss. Each state has its own workers’ compensation practices and protocols so, yes, technically in some states you can file a workers’ compensation claim with minimal effort or guidance. With that said, unless you only expect to be out of work for a few days and you’ve been diagnosed with superficial injuries only, it’s generally not a good idea to file a workers’ compensation claim without first consulting with a lawyer, like a workers’ compensation lawyer from The Law Offices of Mark T. Hurt. Once you’ve been injured on the job, you may only have a matter of days before you’re barred from seeking compensation under state law. As a result, it’s important to speak with an experienced workers’ compensation attorney right away.

Why Seeking Legal Guidance Now Is a Good Idea

When someone is injured in an automobile accident, they are generally required to give a statement and supporting documentation to one or more insurance claims adjusters. The claims adjusters then evaluate the information they’ve been given and ultimately assign the accident a value. The accident victim is then paid compensation in accordance with that value. Workers’ compensation claims work much in the same way. Workers’ compensation claims adjusters can’t figure out how much compensation to award you until they understand the nature of your injuries, how your injuries were caused, and what kind of rehabilitation, missed work days, and medical care you’ll ultimately be required to navigate as a result of your injuries.

Workers’ compensation programs don’t have endless resources to dole out. As a result, claims adjusters are often encouraged to value claims in ways that don’t risk exceeding the compensation that work-related injury and illness victims are due. This approach often leads to the undervaluing and/or outright rejection of legitimate claims. Speaking with an experienced workers’ compensation attorney before you submit your paperwork will better ensure that your claim is structured in such a way that it will be valued fairly and (assuming it is a legitimate claim) approved without delay. In the event that your workers’ compensation claim is, despite your best efforts, undervalued, rejected, or otherwise compromised by “red tape.” An experienced workers’ compensation attorney will know how to appeal, negotiate, persuade, and otherwise advocate on your behalf as efficiently and effectively as possible.

Legal Assistance Is Available

Given that you’ve been injured on the job, you likely want nothing more than to focus on healing and getting back to work. Speaking with an attorney can seem like one more hassle associated with your injuries. However, speaking with a lawyer proactively may actually save you a great deal of stress and money down the road. Please take a few minutes to schedule a confidential appointment with an attorney today.