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Decatur Attorney The Lynch Law Group, P.C

The Lynch Law Group is the kind of licensed and skilled Decatur attorney you may need when you’ve been charged with a crime. People who have been accused of a criminal act may find themselves embroiled in serious legal matters which could lead to large fines, permanent records, or jail time. It is the duty of an attorney to investigate your case, file paperwork, and build a strong argument to defend the charges levied against you.

Whether you’ve been charged with a misdemeanor or a felony, the United States Constitution gives you the right to legal representation. When it comes to choosing an attorney Decatur GA residents should ensure the law firm is well established and prepared to fight tooth and nail for clients. The Lynch Law Group works diligently to ensure every client’s rights are protected to their fullest. If you are concerned about receiving consequences from being charged with a crime, you should waste no time in finding a Decatur attorney.

Meet Decatur The Lynch Law Group

For decades The Lynch Law Group has been helping clients with cases in a variety of areas. Some of the reasons why people turn to an attorney in Decatur like The Lynch Law Group are these:

  • Andrew has been named as Georgia’s Top Lawyers since 2012
  • He has been awarded the status of “AV Preeminent”
  • He can practice at all levels of Georgia’s Federal and State courts
  • Andrew has years of felony and misdemeanor trial experience
  • He is aggressive, honest, and determined

The Benefits of Hiring a Decatur Attorney

There are many reasons to hire a Decatur attorney, especially when you have been charged with a misdemeanor or felony. Some of those benefits include:

  • A Decatur attorney knows the legal system
  • They know how to defend the accused
  • An attorney can design a strategy unique to your own situation
  • He or she might protect you against heavy penalties
  • Risks can be mitigated, especially when you hire a Decatur attorney sooner
  • Some work can be delegated to other staff members
  • You might save money in the long run
  • You can receive valuable legal support

The Lynch Law Group is the kind of Decatur attorney men, women, parents, guardians, and adolescents turn to for legal advice. When you call our firm, you can expect to be listened to and guided in the right direction. Due to the time constraints often associated with criminal charges, and the time needed to investigate your case, the sooner you contact us the better. Call a Decatur attorney today.

Your Legal Options

You may represent yourself, but this is not recommended unless you have an in-depth comprehension of the law and are ready to navigate the legal system on your own. A viable and advantageous option may be to hire a Decatur attorney who can remain dedicated to your case.

Why You Should Retain a Criminal Defense Decatur Attorney

Every criminal case is inherently different. There may be favorable circumstances, laws, or arguments as well as rights violations which should be taken into consideration by a lawyer. By pinpointing these things, an attorney might be able to mitigate or negate the charge(s) brought against you.

How a Criminal Defense Attorney Might Help You

A criminal defense attorney wears many hats. Aside from gathering important evidence and witness statements, an attorney might be able to:

  • Get you a plea bargain
  • Negotiate a sentencing program
  • Explain to you the reality of the situation along with what to expect
  • Educate you on the applicable laws, rules, regulations, and amendments
  • Help you to adhere to “unwritten” rules in a particular jurisdiction
  • Collect statements, evidence, or any useful information pertaining to your case
  • Hire private investigators or expert witnesses
  • Ensure no rights violations have occurred
  • Determine innocence when best-possible
  • Offer you valuable support to you and your loved ones

Regardless of your alleged crime, a Decatur attorney may act as a shoulder to lean on during these trying times.

Questions to Ask an Attorney Decatur GA Trusts

When you speak to an attorney in Decatur, you can have the chance to ask questions or discuss concerns. This consultation is a great opportunity to discuss your needs while getting to know your potential Decatur attorney. Below is a list of questions you might want to discuss.

    • Do you have experience in any similar cases?
    • Do you frequently negotiate plea deals with the prosecutor in charge of my case?
    • What are my legal options?
    • Would you recommend a plea deal, a guilty plea, or trial?
    • Is there anything that works in my favor?
    • Do you see any potential obstacles in my case?
    • What can I expect during the process?
    • Will you personally represent me in court?
    • Will you remain in frequent contact with me?
    • How do your fees work?

It is also be a good idea to come to your meetings prepared. Be sure to ask the Decatur attorney about any documents he or she might need to assess your case. Some of these could include:

  • Court documents
  • Bail papers
  • Police paperwork
  • A copy of the police report
  • Medical documents (if applicable)
  • Witnesses contact information (if applicable)
  • Photographic evidence (if applicable)

A Decatur attorney might also need to verify that neither they, nor anyone else in the firm, has represented conflicting parties of interest. The majority of questions depend on the unique factors of your particular case.

A DUI Lawyer in Decatur, GA

Have you recently been charged with a DUI? Are you concerned about the financial losses that could result from being found guilty of a DUI? If so, it may be in your best interest to talk with a DUI lawyer from The Lynch Law Group Our firm has been aggressively fighting for clients who are facing repercussions after being caught driving under the influence (DUI). We know how important it is to have a DUI charge reduced or dropped, and you can feel confident in knowing that we will do whatever we can to get the results you’re looking for.

If you are ready to speak with a DUI lawyer, give The Lynch Law Group a call right now.

What a DUI Lawyer May Do For You

DUI charges can be rife with complications. Even though you can ask for a public attorney or represent yourself in front of a judge, one of the best ways to reduce the consequences of the charges is to retain a DUI lawyer.

The Lynch Law Group is the kind of Decatur attorney who can ease your concerns and worries about what might happen as a result of your DUI charge. We’ll explain the legal process and help you understand your rights, as well as:

  • How the prosecutor typically handles DUI charges;
  • What the investigation might involve;
  • Types of evidence that could be used against you;
  • Procedural laws for DUIs;
  • Potential DUI defenses;
  • DUI punishments, sentencing, and fines;
  • How the consequences of a DUI might be reduced; and,
  • How your case can be appealed in the event of an unfavorable outcome.

First Time Offenses Versus Repeat DUI Offenses

There is a big difference in how a case is handled, charged, and sentenced when this is not your first DUI. In general, a DUI lawyer should be sought if this is not your first offense.

First Time DUI Offense

Whether you plead guilty or not guilty, penalties might include:

  • Driver’s license revocation
  • Fines
  • Court fees
  • Time in jail
  • Community service
  • Mandatory alcohol education program
  • Mandatory rehab
  • Criminal conviction
  • Criminal record

If you were under the age of 21 or already had a criminal conviction which prohibited you from drinking, the consequences could be different. It may also be possible to partake in a diversion program. If you fail this program, you may still face the original charges and their respective penalties. A Decatur DUI attorney can explain this in further detail.

Repeat DUI Offenses

If this is not your first DUI, you may face a greater risk of being penalized. It is possible, depending on the circumstances of the case, that you will be treated more like a criminal rather than someone who made a mistake. It is prudent you have a Decatur DUI attorney on your side. Penalties may include:

  • Long jail or prison sentences
  • Loss of a driver’s license
  • A criminal record
  • Inability to gain certain employment
  • Inability to live in certain communities
  • Large fines
  • Extensive community service
  • Mandatory SCRAM bracelet

What is the difference between expungement and sealing a criminal record?

If you have a felony or misdemeanor conviction on your record, you might be wondering if you should see The Lynch Law Group a Decatur attorney you can trust. If it was the only criminal offense you committed and it did not involve violence, it may be possible to have the conviction removed from your record. There are two ways an attorney in Decatur GA may be able to help you clear your record: expungement and sealing.

What is expungement?

When a Decatur attorney helps a person get a criminal record expunged, it will be like the offense never happened. The entire record is destroyed and can’t be accessed by anyone, even the police. With an expungement, a person never has to worry about their record resurfacing and being seen by someone else. However, not all criminal offenses are eligible for expungement. For example, some states may only allow expungement for misdemeanor convictions. It is important to check with your county’s criminal court to see if your conviction is eligible for expungement or not.

What is sealing?

When a person’s criminal record is sealed, it still exists. However, a sealed record protects it from being accessed by normal means. For example, employers and landlords can’t see sealed records when they conduct background checks. Only a court order can unseal this record for the public to see. Those with sealed criminal records can legally deny that they have ever been convicted of a criminal offense.

While expungement is the preferred option, sealing can a record could still make your life a lot easier. Your record will not be available for public access, so you will not have to worry about an employer or anyone else finding out that you were convicted of a minor crime.

It is possible to expunge or seal your record by yourself, but it is not recommended. The process can be complicated and time-consuming. With a skilled Decatur attorney by your side, you can feel confident in knowing that your paperwork is mistake-free and that you’ve received trusted counsel pertaining to your case.

How long does sealing or expunging take?

If you wish to seal or expunge your criminal record, it’s understandable that you want to finish the process as soon as possible. The length of time it takes to get a criminal conviction expunged or seals may differ from case to case, but it normally takes about four to six months.

To speed up the process, it’s important to turn in your application as soon as possible. If you don’t understand something in the application, you should have a Decatur attorney help you with it. Turning in documents that contain errors can slow down the process and may even get your application rejected.

Why may it be important to seal or expunge your criminal record?

A felony or misdemeanor conviction on your record may affect your life in many ways and shouldn’t be taken lightly. If you don’t have a Decatur attorney help you seal or expunge it, the public can see your record. Here are some of the consequences of having a criminal record:

  • Fewer Employment Opportunities: With a felony or misdemeanor conviction, you will not have as many employment opportunities as you once did. A attorney in Decatur GA has seen many people with criminal records get denied jobs. Employers who conduct background checks will see the conviction on your record and may be more wary about hiring someone with a criminal record. They may view a person with a criminal record as untrustworthy.
  • Loss of Right to Bear Arms: If you have a felony conviction on your record, you can’t own a gun anymore. This can be especially problematic if you live in a dangerous neighborhood because you will not be able to protect yourself.
  • Trouble Securing Housing: A Decatur attorney has also seen individuals with felony convictions have difficulty securing housing, like renting apartments. Many landlords do background checks these days and may deny applicants with felony convictions. They may think individuals with criminal backgrounds will bring criminals to the property and endanger the other tenants.
  • Strain on Personal Relationships: A felony or misdemeanor conviction can sometimes negatively affect your relationship with family members and friends. A Decatur attorney has witnessed many personal relationships get ruined because of criminal convictions. Your family and friends may view you in a more negative light and lose trust in you.
  • Effects to Immigration Status: If you are a foreign national, having a criminal conviction can negatively affect your immigration status. It may prevent you from obtaining a green card or becoming a citizen.
  • Restricted Traveling: A Decatur attorney has witnesses people’s travel plans get ruined due to criminal convictions. If you have a criminal conviction on your record, you might not be able to travel to anywhere you want. Some countries ban entry to individuals with criminal records.
  • Revocation of Licenses: Many licensing statuses can be affected by a felony conviction, including attorney, judge, psychologist and public accountant licenses. The agency that gave you your license may revoke it if you get convicted of a felony.

During your initial consultation with an experienced Decatur attorney, he may help you determine if you qualify for expungement or sealing. Some criminal offenses can’t be expunged, but they might be sealed. Your lawyer can look at your individual case to figure out which options may be available for you. Be prepared to answer several questions about your case, such as when you were convicted and whether or not you completed your probation. The more detailed you are in your answers, the better your lawyer may help you.

Do not wait to learn more about getting your record expunged or sealed. If you’ve been convicted of a minor or nonviolent crime, it may be possible to put the entire mess behind you and move on with a clean slate. To speak with an experienced Decatur attorney about your options, contact The Lynch Law Group at (404) 373-7735.

How to Find the Best Decatur Attorney for Your Situation

Every criminal defense is different and your situation requires personalized assistance. When you need a criminal defense lawyer, how do you know who to call? Here are some ideas to find the best Decatur attorney for your situation.

  1. Understanding Experience

Experience with the law isn’t always experience with criminal law. Someone who deals with personal injury lawsuits may not be the best lawyer to handle your criminal defense. When it comes to criminal lawyers, some of them might specialize even further, such as focusing on DUI, violent crimes, etc. Speak with the Decatur attorney you are considering hiring to ensure he or she has experience dealing with your very specific type of accused crime.

  1. Meeting the Entire Team

Your Decatur attorney probably won’t be handling your case all alone. Most lawyers have a whole team of professionals working the case. Some might focus on paperwork, others might focus on court, others could handle all the finances and someone else might do the detective work. Meet everyone on the team to ensure you are comfortable with each individual who will be working on your case. If something happens to your Decatur attorney, you’ll want a competent team of professionals who can pick up the case and run with it.

  1. Cautiously Hiring Confidence

You want a Decatur attorney who is confident in your case, but who also offers no strong guarantees. Confidence means he or she will do everything possible to help you win the case. It means he or she has a strong belief in the work required to get the job done. If your lawyer promises you the sun and the sky, that may be too confident, as the law can turn any which way during a case and no lawyer can predict an exact outcome.

  1. Taking Your Time

Of course, you can’t take a lot of time because you do have deadlines to meet, but don’t jump on the first attorney you meet just because you want to get it all over with. Consider experience, meet the team and find someone who is confident so you can walk into that courtroom with your head held high.

Contact a Decatur Attorney Today

If you have been accused of a crime, you need an experienced legal professional on your side. Contact Decatur attorney The Lynch Law Group at (404) 373-7735.

Scheduling a Free Consultation with The Lynch Law Group

It is your legal right to decline speaking with any law enforcement personnel without an attorney. By enacting this right you could save yourself from making incriminating statements. When you have an attorney in Decatur GA on your side, you can feel confident in knowing your case will be well looked after.

Our firm is proud to provide legal counsel and criminal defense services to regions across Georgia. To schedule a free consultation with a trustworthy Decatur attorney, please call The Lynch Law Group at (404) 373-7735.