Each arrest and prosecution for DUI is more serious than the last. DUI penalties increase with every conviction. OCGA § 40-6-391 sets out the minimum and maximum penalties you are facing.
First Lifetime DUI: Every DUI conviction in the state of Georgia carries a requirement to serve a jail sentence of ten days (all but twenty four hours may be suspended by your judge), have your license suspended, serve twelve months on probation, perform forty community service, complete a risk reduction course (DUI School), and complete a clinical drug and alcohol evaluation, this may be waived by the court.
Second Conviction Within Ten Years: The court, in addition to the penalties in a first lifetime DUI, is directed to sentence you to ninety days in jail, the court may suspend all but seventy two hours of your time in the county jail, the minimum fine is increased to $600, the court must sentence you to thirty days of community service, and the clinical drug and alcohol evaluation may not be waived.
Third Conviction Within Ten Years: The court, in addition to the penalties described above, must sentence you to a $1,000 fine, but may sentence you to a $5,000 fine and the court is directed to sentence you to one hundred and twenty days in jail.
Fourth Conviction Within Ten Years: The court, in addition to the penalties described above, and the Judge must sentence you to twelve months in jail.
If you are facing a DUI charge contact Andrew today.