Ten Days to Act
Ten Days to Save Your License to Drive:
If you have just been released from jail on a DUI arrest and have been served by the arresting officer with a notice your license will be suspended you have Ten Days to fight the suspension.
The license suspension notice is referred to as a 1205 notice. On the back of the 1205 notice are directions for trying to save your license. In short you have ten business days to file your notice appealing the suspension of your license with the State. “Business days” do not include holidays and weekends, for example if you are arrested on July 3rd, July 4th is not included in your ten days.
Your appeal has to be filed in ten business days or you will lose the opportunity to challenge your license suspension. Once it is filed, your temporary license will be extended for a total of ninety days or the resolution of your license appeal in the OSAH courts.
If you fail to timely appeal your license suspension the suspension will stay on your record unless the pending DUI charges are dismissed or you are acquitted at trial.
To learn more about the Administrative License Hearing Process click here.
If you are facing an administrative license suspension of your license for a pending DUI contact attorney Andrew Lynch today!